1.
不管做什么工作,只要心态对了,业绩就会不断创新高!
【Positivity
is
the
key
to
a
successful
business
performance!】
2.
我的业绩已经冲到天上去了,但我的梦想还在地球!
【My
business
performance
is
soaring,
but
my
dreams
are
still
down-to-earth!】
3.
一份努力,一份收获,业绩前进的路上,我们永远要坚持。
【With
every
effort
comes
a
reward,
on
our
way
to
achieving
better
business
performances,
we
must
always
persevere.
】
4.
一份竞争心,一份使命感,业绩就会像涨潮般地上升。
【A
competitive
spirit
and
a
sense
of
mission
are
the
keys
to
seeing
our
business
performance
rise
like
the
tide.
】
5.
不走寻常路,就不会有寻常的业绩。
【Unconventional
methods
lead
to
unconventional
business
performance.
】
6.
没有捷径可走,只有一步一个脚印才能达到成功的业绩。
【There's
no
shortcut
to
success,
only
one
step
at
a
time
can
bring
us
to
a
successful
business
performance.
】
7.
做好心态,做好业务,自然而然地就有了好的业绩。
【A
good
mindset
and
good
business
practices
will
naturally
lead
to
good
business
performance.
】
8.
不怕竞争,才能取得更好业绩;不怕挑战,才能跑赢更多关键点。
【Embrace
the
competition
and
you'll
achieve
better
business
performance;
embrace
challenges
and
you'll
be
ahead
of
the
game.
】
9.
永远不要让自己的业绩停留在一个点,应该一直向前冲刺。
【Never
let
your
business
performance
plateau,
always
strive
to
move
forward.
】
10.
谁说只有工作才能有好业绩?生活也是很重要的。
【Who
says
good
business
performance
only
comes
from
work?
Our
personal
lives
are
just
as
important.
】
11.
善于调节自己,追求卓越的业绩就在不远处。
【Be
adaptable
and
strive
for
excellence
in
business
performance,
success
will
soon
follow.
】
12.
不是每个人都能成功,但每个人都可以追求成功的业绩。
【Not
everyone
can
be
successful,
but
everyone
can
chase
after
successful
business
performance.
】
13.
没有绝对的失败,只有绝对的坚持,不要放弃你的业绩。
【There's
no
such
thing
as
absolute
failure,
only
absolute
perseverance,
don't
give
up
on
your
business
performance.
】
14.
不断学习、不断改进,才能满足客户需要,也才能提高你的业绩。
【Continuously
learn
and
improve,
meet
your
clients'
needs,
and
improve
your
business
performance
along
the
way.
】
15.
没有十全十美的业绩,只有不断积攒的努力。
【There's
no
such
thing
as
a
perfect
business
performance,
only
continuous
effort
and
accumulation.
】
16.
不管环境怎么变,我的业绩决不会被它左右。
【No
matter
the
situation,
my
business
performance
will
not
be
swayed.
】
17.
通过合理分配时间和资源,你就能获得更好的业绩。
【By
allocating
time
and
resources
more
effectively,
you
can
achieve
better
business
performance.
】
18.
成功就是不断反思,不断总结,最后把总结变成更好的业绩。
【Success
comes
from
constant
reflection,
summarizing
your
experiences,
and
improving
your
business
performance.
】
19.
不要害怕犯错,犯错后及时纠正,这才是一个人成长的道路,也是业绩得以提升的关键所在。
【Don't
be
afraid
to
make
mistakes,
correct
them
in
a
timely
manner.
This
is
the
path
to
personal
growth
and
a
key
factor
in
improving
business
performance.
】
20.
做好时间管理,把事情做完做好,良好的业绩自然而然就会到来。
【Effective
time
management
and
completing
tasks
to
the
best
of
your
ability
leads
to
good
business
performance
naturally.
】
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