.jpg)
1.
爱情,无论怎样结束,都会留下一些痕迹。
【Love
will
leave
some
marks,
no
matter
how
it
ends.
】
2.
分手后的回忆是苦涩的,但也是值得珍惜的。
【The
memories
after
a
breakup
are
bitter,
but
they
are
also
worth
cherishing.
】
3.
爱情不是占有,而是欣赏。
【Love
is
not
possession,
it
is
appreciation.
】
4.
分手并不意味着结束,而是开始各自的新生活。
【Breaking
up
doesn't
mean
it's
the
end,
it's
just
the
start
of
new
lives.
】
5.
爱情需要付出,但我们不需要失去自我。
【Love
requires
sacrifice,
but
we
should
not
lose
ourselves.
】
6.
爱情是两个人的事情,分手也应该是双方的决定。
【Love
is
a
two-person
affair,
and
breaking
up
should
also
be
a
joint
decision.
】
7.
分手是一种勇气,是对彼此的尊重和对未来的期许。
【Breaking
up
is
a
kind
of
courage,
it
is
respect
for
each
other
and
expectation
for
the
future.
】
8.
纵然相处不久,也值得为那段情感付出一切。
【Even
if
the
time
spent
together
is
brief,
it's
worth
giving
everything
for
that
emotion.
】
9.
分手并不等于无法友好相处,我们可以保持纯粹的友谊。
【Breaking
up
does
not
mean
we
cannot
remain
friends,
we
can
maintain
a
pure
friendship.
】
10.
爱情是成长的过程,即使分手也会带来很多对我们的启示。
【Love
is
a
process
of
growth,
even
if
breaking
up
can
bring
many
inspirations
to
us.
】
11.
有些人注定只是路过,但他们所带来的感动会永远留在心里。
【Some
people
are
destined
to
just
pass
by,
but
the
emotions
they
bring
will
always
stay
in
our
hearts.
】
12.
如果一份感情注定会结束,就让我们以美好的姿态离开。
【If
a
relationship
is
destined
to
end,
let's
leave
with
a
beautiful
posture.
】
13.
分手并不等于放弃,有时候更多的是改变和成长。
【Breaking
up
does
not
mean
giving
up,
sometimes
it
is
more
about
change
and
growth.
】
14.
在爱情中,我们不仅可以相互陪伴,更可以一起成长,走上更好的人生。
【In
love,
we
can
not
only
accompany
each
other,
but
also
grow
together
and
embark
on
a
better
life.
】
15.
爱情需要勇气,也需要智慧。
如果真的不能在一起,就让我们以更加明智的方式处理分手。
【Love
requires
courage,
and
it
also
requires
wisdom.
If
we
really
cannot
be
together,
let's
handle
the
breakup
in
a
wiser
way.
】
16.
爱情犹如路上的一阵风,带给我们美好,也带来离别。
【Love
is
like
a
gust
of
wind
on
the
road,
bringing
us
beauty,
but
also
leaving
us.
】
17.
即便分手了,我们也要学会珍惜过去的美好,积极面对未来的挑战。
【Even
if
we
break
up,
we
must
learn
to
cherish
the
past
beauty,
and
face
the
challenges
in
the
future
positively.
】
18.
不要期望天长地久的爱情,只要享受这段时光。
【Don't
expect
a
lasting
love,
just
enjoy
this
time
together.
】
19.
分手后,我们可以选择自我牵挂和陷落,也可以选择释然和自由。
【After
breaking
up,
we
can
choose
to
be
attached
and
fall,
or
we
can
choose
to
be
relieved
and
free.
】
20.
最好的分手方式是,即使分手了,我们仍可以成为彼此的依靠和支持。
【The
best
way
to
break
up
is,
even
if
we
break
up,
we
can
still
rely
on
and
support
each
other.
】
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