1.
英雄不仅仅是拥有强大力量的人,更是那些对正义坚持不懈的人。
【Heroism
is
not
just
about
having
great
power,
it's
about
unwavering
commitment
to
justice.
】
2.
英雄是勇敢的,即使在面对最黑暗的时刻也不屈服。
【A
hero
is
brave,
even
in
the
darkest
of
times
they
do
not
falter.
】
3.
英雄懂得为了公义而献身,即使代价是生命。
【Heroes
know
how
to
sacrifice
for
justice,
even
if
the
cost
is
their
life.
】
4.
英雄勇于挑战不可能,为了实现目标不断地前行。
【Heroes
bravely
challenge
the
impossible
and
never
stop
moving
towards
their
goals.
】
5.
英雄是值得我们学习的榜样,激励我们变得更好。
【Heroes
are
role
models
worth
emulating,
inspiring
us
to
become
better.
】
6.
英雄手中的武器不仅仅是剑和盾,还有他们的勇气和信念。
【The
weapons
of
heroes
are
not
just
swords
and
shields,
but
also
their
courage
and
beliefs.
】
7.
英雄使我们相信,即使在最黑暗的时刻也会有希望。
【Heroes
make
us
believe
that
there
is
always
hope,
even
in
the
darkest
of
times.
】
8.
英雄的影响力超越了一生,留下了深远而美好的印记。
【The
influence
of
heroes
goes
beyond
their
lifetime,
leaving
a
profound
and
beautiful
mark.
】
9.
英雄是那些为了他人而奋斗的人,即使自己也受到了伤害。
【Heroes
are
those
who
fight
for
others,
even
if
they
themselves
are
hurt.
】
10.
英雄从不屈服于邪恶,即使他们孤身一人面对整个世界。
【Heroes
never
surrender
to
evil,
even
if
they
stand
alone
against
the
world.
】
11.
英雄的胜利不仅仅是为了自己,更是为了整个人类。
【The
victory
of
heroes
is
not
just
for
themselves,
but
for
all
humanity.
】
12.
英雄不要求别人的赞誉,因为他们的信仰是他们行动的指引。
【Heroes
don't
seek
the
praise
of
others,
because
their
faith
is
the
guiding
force
behind
their
actions.
】
13.
英雄可以像平凡人一样感到恐惧,但是他们和别人不同的是,他们可以克服它。
【Heroes
can
feel
fear
just
like
ordinary
people,
but
what
sets
them
apart
is
their
ability
to
overcome
it.
】
14.
英雄献身于拯救他人,因为他们相信这是对人生最大的奉献。
【Heroes
dedicate
themselves
to
saving
others,
because
they
believe
it
is
the
greatest
gift
of
life.
】
15.
英雄的价值在于他们敢于承担责任,保护自己和他人。
【Heroes
value
their
ability
to
take
responsibility
and
protect
themselves
and
others.
】
16.
英雄的心态是冷静的,即使在最危险的情况下也不会失去头脑。
【Heroes
have
a
calm
mindset
and
never
lose
their
cool,
even
in
the
most
dangerous
situations.
】
17.
英雄可以接受自己的失败,并从失败中学习和成长。
【Heroes
can
accept
their
failures,
and
learn
and
grow
from
them.
】
18.
英雄能够看到未来的希望,即使现在的局面看起来很不利。
【Heroes
can
see
hope
for
the
future,
even
in
the
most
unfavorable
circumstances.
】
19.
英雄是那些心怀信仰的人,为了捍卫它而去战斗。
【Heroes
are
people
who
have
faith
and
fight
to
defend
it.
】
20.
英雄的真正力量不来自于武器和力量,而来自于内心的力量和勇气。
【The
true
power
of
a
hero
comes
not
from
weapons
and
strength,
but
from
inner
strength
and
courage.
】
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