1.
"The
beauty
of
the
Li
River
never
fades,
yet
my
heart
aches
as
time
goes
by.
"
【感慨万分】
2.
"Watching
the
sunset
over
the
karst
hills,
all
feel
is
the
emptiness
in
my
heart.
"
【苍凉寂寞】
3.
"As
sail
down
the
Li
River,
memories
flood
back,
leaving
me
in
tears.
"
【怀旧伤感】
4.
"The
tranquil
waters
of
the
Li
River
mirror
my
sorrowful
soul.
"
【心事重重】
5.
"The
misty
mountains
and
waters
of
the
Li
River
are
my
only
companions
in
this
lonely
journey.
"
【孤独无助】
6.
"The
beauty
of
the
Li
River
is
a
stark
contrast
to
the
bleakness
of
my
life.
"
【美丽与落寞】
7.
"The
serenity
of
the
Li
River
brings
me
peace,
but
also
stirs
up
my
deep-seated
emotions.
"
【平静与动荡】
8.
"My
heart
is
heavy
as
witness
the
passing
of
time,
just
as
the
Li
River
flows
on.
"
【岁月无情】
9.
"The
romance
of
the
Li
River
is
but
a
distant
dream,
forever
out
of
reach.
"
【憧憬与遗憾】
10.
"The
majestic
scenery
of
the
Li
River
only
reminds
me
of
my
insignificance
in
this
world.
"
【渺小无力】
11.
"The
melancholy
beauty
of
the
Li
River
speaks
to
my
wounded
heart.
"
【悲伤情怀】
12.
"The
Li
River
may
be
tranquil,
but
the
storm
within
my
heart
rages
on.
"
【心乱如麻】
13.
"The
Li
River's
beauty
is
a
bittersweet
reminder
of
what
used
to
have,
and
what
have
lost.
"
【甜酸苦辣】
14.
"The
Li
River's
beauty
is
like
a
veil,
hiding
the
sadness
that
lies
beneath.
"
【虚幻与真实】
15.
"The
Li
River
is
a
haven
for
my
troubled
mind,
but
it
cannot
heal
my
broken
heart.
"
【逍遥自在】
16.
"The
Li
River's
beauty
fades
away,
but
my
pain
remains.
"
【美好终将逝去】
17.
"The
dreamlike
scenery
of
the
Li
River
lingers
on,
but
my
love
has
long
since
gone.
"
【梦幻与现实】
18.
"The
Li
River's
beauty
is
a
distraction
from
the
pain
that
consumes
me.
"
【疲惫与挣扎】
19.
"The
Li
River's
beauty
is
fleeting,
but
my
heartache
is
eternal.
"
【瞬间和永恒】
20.
"The
Li
River
takes
me
on
a
journey
of
the
soul,
where
confront
my
innermost
fears
and
regrets.
"
【时光倒流】
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